We are surrounded by artificial intelligence. From the Google Home and Amazon Echo, to Facebook’s facial recognition and whatever it is Huawei’s doing. It’s easy to become desensitized to the term and misunderstand the current state of AI we live in. Verge video director Becca Farsace talks to some experts in the field of AI to better pinpoint what all this AI really means.
Back from vacation with a video on the Animal Crossing OST, had a lot of fun, hope you enjoy :)
De nombreux mangas mettent en scène des héroïnes ultra-sexualisées, des plaisanteries sexistes et normalisent l’absence de consentement. Quelques mois après l’émergence du mouvement #MeToo, reportage à Japan Expo.
In a strange turn of events, Niantic announced that an anime series based on the game is being developed by Yuhei Sakuragi. Takeshi Honda, art director for Neon Genesis Evangelion, is also involved. It's planned to launch in October, alongside the sequel game that was announced last year - Ingress Prime.
In this video, Did You Know Gaming takes a look at some facts, secrets and Easter eggs from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Breath of the Wild was made for the Nintendo Switch and Wii U by Nintendo. The game's open world was inspired by the failures of Skyward Sword, and BotW development also led to the production of The Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD. The game follows Link, who along with Zelda tries to combat the evil Calamity Ganon.
Robot restaurants are popping up all over downtown San Francisco, as a futuristic option for people to grab fast food for cheap. The latest example is Creator, a robotic restaurant that specializes in making gourmet hamburgers with their all-in-one burger robots. We went behind-the-scenes of their appointment-only smart kitchen to learn more about how robots could be the future of food in urban cities.
Des documents confidentiels ont été saisis au domicile de plusieurs membres d’une association.
Le fondateur de Megaupload.com avait saisi la cour d’appel pour contester deux jugements de première instance, qui autorisaient son extradition.
So you’ve just bought the best Windows laptop, you’ve gritted your teeth through Cortana’s obnoxiously cheery setup narration, and the above screenshot is the Start menu you’re presented with. Exactly how special do you feel as you watch the tiles animating and blinking at you like a slots machine? I’ll tell you how I felt as I was getting to grips with the Huawei MateBook X Pro for the first time: perplexed. Perplexed that this level of bloatware infestation is still a thing in 2018, especially on a computer costing $1,499 and running an OS called Windows 10 “Pro.” Why are we still tolerating this?
Alors que le Vivo Nex a été commercialisé il y a peu en Chine, les premières critiques envers la caméra rétractable de sa déclinaison S commencent à apparaître. En effet, sur certaines applications, l’appareil photo sort de la coque tout seul sans raison apparente.
Mais lol FrAndroid. Mettez pas la faute sur Vivo, c'est clairement la faute aux applis qui chargent l'accès à la caméra quand ce n'est pas nécessaire. (Soit pour que l'accès soit rapide, soit pour autre chose...)
The community wants half its members banned
In perhaps the most improbable leak of a movie ever, Sony Pictures seems to have accidentally uploaded the entire, full length movie of Khali the Killer to YouTube early this morning, instead of a new red band trailer announcing the film’s availability on disc and digital that the company theoretically intended to upload, via CBR.
The Stylish add-on and the linked userstyles.org repository for website styles changed ownership twice in the past years. The original owner sold Stylish back in October 2010 and the new owners of Stylish sold it again to the current owner SimilarWeb.
TL;DR install Stylus https://github.com/openstyles/stylus#releases
If you love ubiquitous Japanese virtual idols and solid Chinese mid-range phones, has Xiaomi ever got the collaboration for you: behold the Hatsune Miku Mi 6X. The limited edition device comes in a Miku-themed teal color with printed 1-5,000 serial number, matching wallpapers, and opulent packaging that folds out into a “stage.”
Crap, I want one now. D:
The Google Home app is a hot mess right now, to say the least. It's primary purpose is to set up new Chromecasts and Google Home speakers, but the company has also added content discovery and other functionality. The app has seen a few visual tweaks in the past, but now the UI is being overhauled to match Google's new Material Design theme.
Modern life would be impossible without plastic – but we have long since lost control over our invention. Why has plastic turned into a problem and what do we know about its dangers?