‘It was like watching fireworks, but from the inside’
Chris Taylor, like any Nintendo fan, is hyped to see that Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is shaping up to be mashup fighter of epic proportions, but unlike most of us, the 21-year-old is not sure he’ll live long enough to see the Switch game on store shelves. Taylor has terminal cancer and has been given months to live, so his friends started a social media campaign to get Nintendo’s attention.
On Friday morning, Twitter posted a single word to its Twitter account: “The.” Average users began replying, telling a story one word at a time. When it was done, the first thread read: “The beginning of the end is near. Yay.”
Hacker KapuccinoHeck has shared some findings about the new NES emulator that is part of Nintendo’s new “Switch online” offering. Apparently, it’s fairly easy to load your own Roms (on a hacked Switch) and play them directly, which the hacker demonstrated by loading Kirby’s Adventure (video below).
another one of these
no description needed
Unlike countries in Europe where legislation has already been tested, there is no legal basis in Japan to block 'pirate' websites and the country's constitution forbids censorship. Now, however, the Japanese government has presented a draft report which indicates that blocking websites on copyright grounds should be considered as a policy option.
A couple of lines of code that runs in any modern web browser by default may crash Apple's Safari web browser, iPhones and affects select browsers as well.
The code uses the backdrop-filter property and a lot of Div elements (more than 3000) to crash Apple iPhones immediately and freeze certain browsers even on non-iOS systems.
ET on est repartis pour un joueur du grenier ! Robin des bois est certainement un des conte les plus populaires et les plus adaptés ! que ce soit en dessin animé ou en film mais il l'a aussi été en jeu vidéo et c’était pas vraiment très bien !
Le service de distribution de chaînes de télévision Molotov vient de lancer sa première chaîne en 4K HDR. Il s’agit d’Arte UHD, disponible gratuitement pendant 10 jours.
Le Parlement européen a voté mercredi la très sensible réforme du droit d'auteur, dont l'un des objectifs est de mieux répartir les revenus entre les créateurs de contenus et les plateformes qui les diffusent.
This week, we meet the very cute and very bizarre result of an almost 60-year-long experiment: they’re foxes that have been specially bred for their dog-like friendliness toward people. We do a little behavior research of our own, and discover what scientists continue to learn from the world’s most famous experiment in domestication.
If you’re a Mastercard holder in the US, Google has reportedly been tracking whether your buying habits are influenced by online ads in your offline purchases for the past year. The secret deal between the two companies was brokered after four years of negotiation, according to a Bloomberg report published today.
Après qu'un sondage a révélé qu'une large majorité d'Européens sont favorables à la suppression du changement d'heure, la Commission a décidé vendredi de proposer la disparition du passage à l'heure d'hiver, a dit son président.