There's a reason Google Chrome is the most ubiquitous browser out there. Among other things, it works seamlessly across all of your devices, syncing tabs in the background. But sometimes, it's just tedious to find that one tab you wanted to share from your phone to your desktop among the myriad open tabs. That's where a new feature in Chrome's developer preview Canary v75 comes in handy: Send tab to self.
AI in video games is very different than the AI in self-driving cars, smart home devices, and natural language algorithms. That’s because game developers have been sticking to the basics, but all that is starting to change. Researchers today are incorporating more cutting-edge AI advancements into games. In the future, these tools could result in games designing themselves with characters that can learn and adapt to the player.
Meizu set itself an eminently reasonably bar for the campaign, too, at $100,000. That may sound like a fair bit of cash, but Meizu would only have had to sell 77 phones in order to meet this goal. It managed just 29. It's unclear how many of those were Meizu employees, other than to say "not enough."
Lead contamination got a lot of national attention because of the crisis in Flint, Michigan. But today, lead pipes are still tainting tap water across America. In this episode of “Trial & Error,” we explore how lead enters the water supply, how to test for it, and find out whether our own homes are at risk.
Cutting off the money supply to copyright-infringing sites is commonly seen as a prime tactic to deal with the piracy problem. Anti-piracy company DMCAForce has a different strategy though. On behalf of a client, it's reaching out to file-sharing sites with an advertising deal, in exchange for a cut of the money.
Évoquée en fin d'année passée par le directeur créatif Eric Barone, la localisation française de Stardew Valley est à présent une réalité pour l'édition PC, Mac et Linux du titre fermier, grâce à sa dernière mise à jour.
Reddit is testing out a new tipping feature where users can give each other real money. So far, you can only pay one guy in one subreddit, which made me immediately wonder: who is this lucky fella?
The Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland has rejected an application to have one of the country's largest ISPs block pirate sites. The Court recognized that the overseas 'pirate' platforms were breaking the law but said that Swisscom, one of the country's largest ISPs, was not involved in that infringement.