In the wake of the $5 billion antitrust fine it received from the European Commission last year, Google laid out plans to prompt Android users in Europe to choose a different default search or browser app. In a new blog post, Product Management Director Paul Gennai introduces the changes that will come as part of an imminent Google Play Store update.
C'est pour Ubisoft une manière évidente d'exprimer sa solidarité envers les Parisiens et toutes les personnes affectées par l'incendie historique qui a ravagé la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, lundi 15 avril : Assassin's Creed Unity est disponible gratuitement en téléchargement sur PC pour permettre aux joueurs de profiter d'une certaine façon de la splendeur disparue du monument.
A story on German computer site Golem (in English) describes how Golem got its hands on a domain responsible for Tile content delivery to Windows systems because Microsoft failed to protect properly against what is called a subdomain takeover attack.
The founder of Demonoid, one of the most iconic torrent trackers in history, is believed to have passed away. Deimos suddenly disappeared without a trace last summer. According to information reviewed by Demonoid's staff, he was likely the victim of a tragic accident.
Plusieurs personnes concernées ont reçu un email les avertissant de la fin du service le 5 juin prochain. Le contenu sera supprimé.
Microsoft just released preview versions of its Chromium-powered Edge browser today. If you’ve downloaded it to test it, you’ve probably noticed it’s very stable and performs surprisingly well. It even performs better than Google’s own Chrome browser on Windows 10, despite being built on the same Chromium open-source project. While it’s early days for Microsoft’s new Edge, the company has revealed all of the Google services it has replaced or removed from its new Chromium-powered browser to optimize performance.
Les entreprises exploitant la solution d’e-commerce Magento doivent installer au plus vite les derniers correctifs de sécurité.