The Norwegian adaptation of The Sword in the Stone takes things in a weird direction.
Help article/more details: TANDEM BOOSTING. Hop on a giant bicycle and pedal your server to the moon and beyond with three levels of perks.
A new study published by anti-piracy agency Hadopi has revealed that 24% of French Internet users stream live TV content illegally. The most popular source of video among respondents is live streaming sites, followed by social networks, dedicated IPTV services, and apps. Pirate IPTV is causing particularly concern due to its claimed cannibalizing effect on legal offers.
While the Nintendo DSi has been out for a little over half a decade and it received its last firmware update in 2012, you could only hack it with a digital-only application (from a store that’s closed) or hardmodding until now. However, things have just changed thanks to the unexpected release of Memory Pit by shutterbug2000!