" Il faut savoir terminer une grève ", Maurice Thorez #soutienAlaDirection
Avec Guillaume Meurice, Charline Vanhoenacker, Alex Vizorek et François Audoin.
The second season of the sitcom "Sick of It" will soon air on the British TV-channel Sky One. This prompted co-writer and actor Karl Pilkington to share an episode of the first season with over a million Facebook fans. A kind gesture, but since the video was indirectly sourced from a pirate group, perhaps not one that everyone will appreciate.
When even creators share pirated copies of their work because of restrictions...
For those involved in the online piracy supply chain, keeping your head down has almost always been part of the strategy. So why are there suddenly dozens of IPTV suppliers promoting their businesses on YouTube, holding personal question and answer sessions, bragging about the money they're making, while turning the camera on themselves?
Even though it sounded like there might be some caveats, the big four US carriers recently announced that they'd finally get their act together and roll out a joint RCS system, bringing modern messaging to US customers sometime next year. Too little, too late, carriers. Earlier today, some folks figured out how to forcibly enable RCS on seemingly any recent phone here in the US via Google's Messages app. At first, it sounded too good to be true, but in our own testing, it works.
I laugh at the software as if I'm 100% confident that it's 2019.
If you'd just agree to hold your meetings in here, you'd have PLENTY of time to figure things out before the deadline.
Recently, the Switch scene has been a little bit quiet but now, it’s back to normal with three notable pieces of news. In this article, we’ll be looking at further developments relating to Switch’s Android port, Dark Souls Ascension Mod coming to the console and a mod to get full-quality audio on Witcher 3 without any performance loss!
Une collecte d’IP opérée sur les réseaux P2P par une société de défense est-elle compatible avec le règlement européen ? La question a été posée à la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne depuis la Belgique.